Port Arthur

7665 Texas Highway 73
Beaumont TX 77705
United States

About this location:

The Veolia North America Port Arthur, Texas Treatment Complex is located 3.5 miles West of Taylor's Bayou on 3,300-rural acres of which only 450-acres are involved in waste activity approximately ten miles west of Port Arthur, TX. The 150 million BTU/hr rotary kiln based incinerator occupies 156-acres and owns the surrounding 2200 acres as well. The remaining property represents RCRA closed or inactive land disposal units owned by the previous owner and spare acreage. The facility specializes in servicing generators who have large-volume waste treatment requirements (i.e., process wastes from manufacturing or one-time volumes from remediation projects). Port Arthur is permitted to handle up to 150,000 tons per year of RCRA and TSCA waste and auxiliary fuel with hourly constraints on individual feed devices, feed concentrations, and heat releases.

Veolia's Port Arthur was originally opened in 1975 by Conservation Services and operated as a permitted secure landfill until purchased by Chemical Waste Management in 1978. The facility received its RCRA Part B permit in March 1990 and its TSCA permit in June 1992. CERCLA status was granted in late 1993.

RCRA and TSCA solids, sludges, energetic liquids, lean water, and containerized wastes are fed into the 16 feet diameter kiln which is 60 feet long and lined internally with 12 inches of refractory brick. As waste is heated in the kiln, organics are destroyed in place or volatilized and destroyed in the secondary combustion chamber. A minimum 99.99% (typically >99.9999%) Destruction Removal Efficiency (DRE) for RCRA and >99.9999% DRE for TSCA is achieved.

Veolia's Port Arthur houses a fully equipped analytical laboratory to test incoming wastes. Within this 9,000 square foot facility are three primary instrument labs - organic, metals, and wet chemistry, with associated preparation areas for each lab. Wastes are accepted and sampled in accordance with a Waste Analysis Plan pursuant to 40 CFR 264.13(b) and Port Arthur's RCRA/TSCA permit.

The Veolia's Port Arthur Treatment Complex is permitted to handle all six RCRA hazardous waste code categories (ignitable, toxic, corrosive, acute hazardous, EP toxic, and reactive) as well as most PCB wastes. VeoliaES-Port Arthur accepts waste solvents, solvent/oil mixtures, organic and inorganic chemical wastes, pesticide wastes, petroleum wastes, aqueous wastes, contaminated soils and sludges, PCBs and capacitors, infectious wastes and containerized gases, as well as other wastes.

Wastes which are prohibited or limited by permit are: radioactive waste material, explosive material (except class C), dioxin containing wastes (i.e., F020 - F023, and F026 - F028) and municipal garbage. 

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is responsible for performing yearly RCRA inspections, yearly air inspections, and inspections of Port Arthur's Underground Injection Control system every two years, as well as inspections on waste water/drinking water systems. TSCA inspections are usually performed annually by the USEPA.

US EPA ID: TXD000838896

Site Contact:

Ashley Reed
tollfree. 800.577.2876